This blog covers a spectrum of interests that I have from sports to vintage movies to international music. My goal is to share my interests with the public in order to broaden their understanding of the amazing things that are in this world.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Shake me down, Bette Davis...

It took me forever to find this video!!! I am so excited to post this on my blog. Bette Davis tries her best not to kill this woman (mariam hopkins) in this scene. The air was so tense that Jack Warner had to order a closed set because everyone and their mom was fighting to get on to the set to watched this filmed. It took 9 takes because Mariam started getting masochistic!!! WTF?!?!?!


1 comment:

Derek said...

Sometimes I just wanna shake a hoe til he/she shatters like a piece of glass. thank you bette Davis.