This blog covers a spectrum of interests that I have from sports to vintage movies to international music. My goal is to share my interests with the public in order to broaden their understanding of the amazing things that are in this world.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Telenovelas are the best escape...

Me encantan las novelas; they are the best way to get wrapped up in something completely removed from what you are experiencing in life. Yet somehow it hits very close to home. Telenovelas are like the id-version of human personality. If someone is getting on your nerves they can suddenly get hit by a car that you happen to be driving...SWEET!!! The best escape...novelas are a representation of what we want but are never actually willing to do. Catherine siachoque is the best, she makes maldad (evilness) into something desireable; it's entertaining (borderline hilarious), and so believably evil that you think to yourself...'the next time that girl in my office enfuriates me, I'm just going to ruin her life in a way that's clever yet subtle...or, i can just flat out hit her in the face.' It's a nice feeling, so nice I feel like sharing...

"Yo naci mala, y lo disfruto" (i was born evil, and i enjoy it) ---Catherine Siachoque, Pecados Ajenos

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